PIVlab update v2.38

I made two updates to PIVlab in the last weeks, the latest release is 2.38. The following things were added:

  • Video import functionality: PIVlab can directly work with video files now. Videos are not converted, but frames are directly accessed from the video stream.
  • Vorticity direction was inverted (positive is now ccw)
  • *.png files can be imported now
  • The correlation coefficient is available in the derived parameters panel. It might be used as a measure for the quality of an analysis. I tested several different things, including correlation peak height vs. mean signal strength and ratio of first to second peak. I might make these available later, when I am played around with the data a bit more.
  • Added the PIVlab Quickviewer, an additional GUI that helps to quickly tweak the setup of your experiment while you are recording your images.
  • Image histograms are automatically optimized to get a better display. This can be disabled in "Modify plot appearance"
The correlation coefficient

PIVlab Quickviewer. Top left: ROI, top right: displacements, bottom right: displacement histogram, bottom left: correlation coefficient.

Video importer. You can select start and end frame, and also decide to reduce the frame rate. A video preview is displayed.

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