Working on sub 5k Euros PIV system NOW!

OPTOLUTION aims high and I am trying to make a complete PIV System (with laser, camera, synchronizer and software) in the range of 3k Euros. That is the price that you usually don't even get the PIV software for. We will see if it works out, but initial tests were already pretty promising. These are the specs I want to achieve:

  • Illumination of a 200x300 mm area
  • Max. velocity of 2 m/s
  • 2 MP camera resolution
  • 500 µs or 1 ms minimum interframe time
  • 5 fps double-image framerate
  • Fully integrated in PIVlabs image acquisition module
  • Compatible with Matlab R2019b and later (Image Processing Toolbox required)
  • Designed for Windows, but should also work with Apple and Linux
If you are interested in this system, then let me know!

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