Significant speed and memory improvements in PIVlab!

Mehdi (Manager Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering) from MATHWORKS (the company behind Matlab) approached me a while ago and we discussed how they can support the development of PIVlab. PIVlab seems to be have some importance a relevance to MATHWORKS as it is a pretty popular 3rd party toolbox for Matlab. Together, we identified potential areas in PIVlab that could be improved and MATHWORKS then initiated an internal proposal for programming support. They selected the dutch company for this project, and Maarten then started to optimize the most important part of PIVlab "PIV_fftmulti.m". He significantly improved the speed of calculations (factor 3), and lowered the memory consumption enormously. This especially helps when processing large images with fine grids, and also makes it possible to benefit from parallel processing of large images. This hasn't been possible before, because at some point RAM was full and the hard disk was used to store temporary data - making everything very slow.

I really enjoyed to see Maarten, a professional coder, doing his work. It was very impressive to follow his work and his "tricks" to improve the code! Big thanks to MATHWORKS and especially Mehdi for making this possible! And of course thanks to Maarten from Vortech for his great work! Have a look at the magic of professional programming here:

The improved code (along with some other enhancements) was released today:

Furthermore, I finished designing my first "own" camera for PIVlab, the "OPTOcam 2/80", with 2 megapixels and a double image rate of 80 Hz (8-bit mode) respectively 40 Hz (12-bit mode). It is equipped with a remote focus control and has a min. interframe time of 61 µs. Of course it is implemented in PIVlab's image acquisition module already.

Details about all supported camera models are available here:

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